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Whether Recreational Or Public Service, DryBerth Is The Most Robust & Cost Effective Protection Against Biofouling & Corrosion​ â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


Dry Berth

DryBerth Boat Lifts are the leading manufacturer of air displacement boat lifts. DryBerth Boat Lifts simply rise above the water using low-pressure air to provide the ultimate on-water, dry mooring solution for your boat. Manufactured in the UK, you can be sure to receive a rapid service all across the UK, Europe & beyond.


DryBerth's simplicity and innovative features open up a new world of Dry Berthing that previously may have seemed unattainable to the recreational user. With a 'foot print' no bigger then a boat with fenders out, there is no increase in marina fees and the DryBerth is more than happy at home on a swing mooring or river pontoon. 


  • Lifts Range From 2,000 Kg to 15,000 Kg Vessels


  • UK Built, Unrivalled Customer Service


  • No increase in mooring fees as the lift fits within the boats own footprint


  • Can run off the boats own power, so perfect for swing mooring or river pontoon


  • 100% HDPE & UV Stable Structure & the longest life expectancy of any boat lift currently on the market


  • Main floats are the strongest in the industry


  • No complex electronics that can fail


  • No power to launch so you'll never be stuck high & dry


  • Fast launch models available - The fastest launch of any floating boat lift​​


Potentially previously seen as unattainable or not user friendly for the recreational user, DryBerth breaks down all of these barriers with its ease of use and simplicity, combined with innovative features that unlock a new world of Dry Berthing. We would go one step further to say that docking your boat on the DryBerth is actually easier then a standard dock or mooring, with no Fendars or throwing of lines required, coupled with the DryBerth construction designed to be 'soft' on the boat and guide her in when docking. Once the boat is safely in the DryBerth she is protected from the world and then the clever part happens...... up she rises!



  • No increase in mooring fees as the lift fits within the boats own footprint


  • Can run off the boats own power, so perfect for swing mooring or river pontoon​​


  • No power to launch so you'll never be stuck high & dry


  • ​The ease of docking hugely reduces the chance of costly damage whilst mooring


  • Vastly More Gentle On The Hull & Drive Gear Than The Modular Cubes


  • If you sell your boat the boat lift can be reset for your new boat


  • The resale value of the boat will be much higher due to the condition



Public Service & Commercial

When dispatch time matters, DryBerth Boat Lifts are capable of deploying your boat into the water in a matter of minutes.


With fast launch models available, DryBerth Boat Lifts are very much suited to public services such as the Police, Navy, and other water-based rescue organisations. 


DryBerth Dry Docking: The Choice Of The Public Service Sector When Lives Depend On Dispatch Reliability



  • Fast launch models available The fastest launch of any floating boat lift


  • No complex electronics that can fail


  • No power to launch so you'll never be stuck high & dry


  • Substantial reduction in downtime for unscheduled maintenance â€‹


  • The UK's leading manufacturing of Air Displacement boat lifts with unrivalled customer service


  • DryBerth is trusted by Special Forces, including the Police and Navy​​


Public Service & Commercial

Benefits of DryBerthing


  • Never antifoul again


  • Corrosion of propulsion and steering systems is vastly reduced


  • Lifts and scrubs no longer required

  • Hull drag kept at a minimum, maintaining the highest possible fuel efficiency


  • Reduction in gelcoat staining so fewer buffing and polishing bills


  • Due to no antifoul required there is less drag and increased speed


  • A huge reduction in erosion of anodes


  • Ease of mooring due to no fenders or throwing of line required, while the DryBerth guides your boat in


  • The boat, when stored on the boat lift will not be subjected to any rubbing, chaffing or impacts ie. the DryBerth protects the boat


  • A reduction in potential osmosis. In most cases reduced to zero as the vessel can dry out


  • If you sell your boat the boat lift can be reset for your new boat​​​

The Environment

The DryBerth Boat Lift structure is made from 100% HDPE which at the end of its lifecycle, can be recycled. DryBerth has gone one step further than building boat lifts from HDPE, we are absolutely committed and currently working hard with our material manufacturer to produce the boat lifts from not only reground but recycled plastic.


DryBerth Boat Lifts help by eliminating or vastly reducing the requirement for antifouling and sacrificial anodes. 


This can help reduce the build-up of heavy metals in our water such as Lead,  Zinc, Mercury and Copper (which is the most common metal found at toxic concentrations in our marina waters).


Due to a cleaner smoother hull, the fuel efficiency of the vessel will be maintained at the highest possible level. The reduced fuel burn will also help the alarmingly high levels of petroleum based hydrocarbons that have built up in our marina waters. 


Benefits of DryBerthing
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